
contractor Form


The Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form is for anyone who will be doing work on or in the chapter facility. The addendum to the Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form should be signed by all of the employees of the contractor who will be present at the chapter facility at any time.

When Executed

This Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form should be signed at the same time the work contract is signed. (Not having a contract for the work is a different and problematic issue.) The employee addendum to the Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form should be signed before any work starts.

Implementation Details

The Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form should be countersigned by the house corporation and a copy of the fully signed Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form should be returned to the contractor. The house corporation should then arrange to keep the original fully executed Contractor Assumption of the Risk Form through a period that is longer than the statute of limitations period in the jurisdiction in which the chapter facility is located.