
2017 Foundation Scholarships Available Beginning of January


2017 Foundation Scholarships Available Beginning of January 


As 2016 draws to a close, Lambda Chi Alpha looks forward to an even brighter new year as we proudly announce upcoming 2017 scholarships.

Through the generous support of our alumni and friends, applicants will find a considerable amount of scholarships for which they might be qualified, including 74 leadership seminar and conference scholarships and 50 academic scholarships.  Topping the list is the prestigious Karl Krapek Values Grant.

Named in honor of Foundation Board member, past chairman, and donor Karl Krapek (Kettering ’72), this $10,000 grant is awarded to three chapters to help pay for educational costs of up to five members from the chapter to attend summer conferences.  In addition, the grant will pay for up to four equally valued academic scholarships for brothers, as selected by each chapter.

The 2016 Karl Krapek Values Grant award-winning chapters are Embry-Riddle – Prescott, Oregon State, and South Dakota.  They are chosen based on their commitment to Lambda Chi Alpha’s values and how they have upheld them.

Nineteen alumni brothers served on scholarship judging committees for the 2016 Foundation-funded scholarships.  Scholarships available through chapter-restricted funds are chosen by chapter alumni.

Lambda Chi Alpha scholarships are designed to not only help brothers financially, but allow individuals to reach their full potential.

Juan Velasquez of Embry-Riddle-Prescott was the 2016 winner of the Kirk & Nancy Pond academic scholarship. Velasquez, a first-generation American college student and air science major, has said he would not be where he is today without the support of his fraternity.

“The scholarship went towards my tuition, because how I pay for school is through loans,” said Velasquez.  “It has helped me save and helped me to continue pursing my dream career.”

All scholarship applications will be available at the beginning of January.  For a full list of 2016 recipients and descriptions of each award, please visit the LCA Foundation Scholarship page.

To help support Lambda Chi Alpha scholarship opportunities, consider a year-end gift to the Educational Foundation – visit www.lambdachi.org/foundation to learn more and to support the Foundation.


Chuck Cole

Sigma, University of Michigan, 1973

Lambda Chi Alpha Education Foundation, Recent Board Member

“The Lambda Chi Alpha Graduate Scholarship changed my life. As the first person in my family to attend college, I had assumed that I was embarking upon a four year journey. Upon joining Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Michigan, I discovered that the majority of the brothers knew that they would be attending graduate school. When I transferred into the architecture program, I discovered that I was committing to an additional 2 years of graduate studies which would result in a Master of Architecture degree.

My parents had agreed to fund my Bachelor’s degree, but it was up to me to secure additional funding for graduate studies. Fortunately, I was granted a Lambda Chi Alpha graduate scholarship, based upon my academic achievements and my financial need. The end result has been a fulfilling 40 year career in architecture and recognition as a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Architects, as a Fellow in the American Institute of Architects and as CEO of HuntonBrady Architects.”

