
7 immediate things to do to prepare for fall recruitment


Just starting to plan for recruitment? Here are 7 things you need to do immediately to prepare for the fall.

By Chris Buck | Associate Director of Expansion

If your chapter or colony is just beginning to prepare for fall recruitment, you’re a little late to the game. No worries, here are 7 things you should do today to prepare for recruiting tomorrow.

Set A Goal 

Each chapter and colony of Lambda Chi Alpha were given a recruitment challenge for the 2016-2017 academic year. This can serve as your goal for this year, but you should set a goal for long term as well (break it down). You are welcome to recruit beyond the challenge goal if you are feeling up to a bigger challenge.

Develop Membership Criteria

You need to know what kind of men you want to recruit and what the chapter/colony needs to grow. You should sit down and determine, as a group, what is necessary for a man to get a bid to Lambda Chi Alpha. The 7 Core Values are a good place to start.

Create A Names List

This should be one of your biggest priorities. The more names on your list, the more men you can contact and introduce to Lambda Chi Alpha. Remember, the more men in your prospect pool, the more selective you can be. If you need help with building a names list or managing it, you can visit Phired Up to get started.

Get Referrals

This goes hand-and-hand with your names list, as referrals are what build your list. Are there guys from your high school who just graduated who are headed to your campus? Do your friends in sororities know of guys coming to school there? Do you have current students who you wanted to join last year? They should all be on your list.

Know Your Product

What is Lambda Chi Alpha offering new members? What sets us apart from others on campus? It is important that you know what the Lambda Chi Alpha experience is all about so that you can share it with those who are looking to join. Remember sincerity and honest should be the cornerstone of what you’re selling; if it’s not true or inaccurate they won’t stay around. You know that Lambda Chi Alpha has changed your life, show them how it will change theirs.

Get the Brothers/Associate Members Excited

Recruiting the future members of your organization should be one of the most fun and exciting experiences you have! You are finding friends, learning about people, and selling something you are truly passionate about. The more excited you are the more excited others will be. So go into recruitment with a positive attitude, consider having a competition, and involve as many members as possible in the process.

Go Get Them

You have to go out and actively recruit the men you want to join if you are serious about recruitment. Only a limited number of guy are seeking you out. By relying on formal recruitment or on guys coming to you, you are missing out on great men who don’t know what Lambda Chi Alpha has to offer.

Recruitment is all about sharing the gift of Lambda Chi Alpha to a deserving future brother just like someone did for you. You have an obligation to do your part and recruit the future of your chapter or colony. You know that Lambda Chi Alpha has changed your life, so let it change someone else’s.


This article is part of a fall series to share recruitment ideas, best practices, and to highlight the success our members see this term. If your chapter is succeeding at recruiting or doing something unique, let us know so that we can share it with our entire brotherhood.

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