
Celebrating Chapter Advisors of the Year


Celebrating Chapter Advisors of the Year

To be a fraternity advisor is something of a miracle in itself. The individual who so chooses to dedicate their time and effort to the brotherhood they hold dear can often be described as the most selfless person in the room: a person of guidance and wisdom, helping young men through their most important journey.

While Chad Nolan and John Jenkins may come from different backgrounds and reside hundreds of miles away from each other, it is this bond as an advisor which they share. Both men were recently recognized on their respective campuses as “Chapter Advisors of the Year”, among all fraternities and sororities. It is this notable achievement which we celebrate.

Chad Nolan (Pittsburg State University)

As the High Pi of the Lambda-Chi chapter at Pittsburg State University, Chad Nolan prides himself on being a role model for not only the fraternities, but for the sororities on campus, as well. Nolan is the picture of involvement: it is a very rare sighting if Nolan is away from the chapter house. But to Nolan, that is exactly what an advisor should be known for: involvement.

Nolan’s chapter members outside of their house.

Whether it is helping the men cook a dinner for a social event with a sorority or picking up trash along the highway alongside them, Nolan has assured that it is his mission to be there for his members to help with the trivial things so they may focus on more important things, such as grades.  His hands-on approach has led the men of the chapter to become some of the finest on campus.

“It’s been really fulfilling for me and really an honor,” Nolan said about his time as High Pi and receiving Chapter Advisor of the Year. “I love my brothers at Lambda Chi Alpha, but not only getting hugs and handshakes from them, but getting recognition from sororities across campus as well means a lot to me too.”

Nolan is very proud of how the chapter handles their alumni relations and the overall demeanor of the house, but he says there is always room for improvement.

Chad Nolan

In the coming school years, it is Nolan’s goal to increase the amount of educational events offered to members, while also continuing the ongoing process of improving the harm reduction area.

Ultimately, Nolan hopes his involvement sparks the want of his chapter members to give back to the fraternity that has given them so much.

“My High Pi influenced me,” stated Nolan. “He had a profound influence on me and how I wanted to help other brothers and give back to the community, because he made such a difference in my life. That’s what I want to give back to these men; we need future High Pi’s, so I want to be an influence on these men to return back to Lambda Chi Alpha.”

John Jenkins (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott)

When the colony at Embry-Riddle was first established three years ago, the choice for High Pi was obvious, but also came as somewhat of a surprise to John Jenkins. He assures, with a laugh, that he never expected to be the advisor for this group of men, but he is thrilled he decided to accept the position.

Jenkins (far left) with his members during a Trunk or Treat service project.

As a faculty member at the university, Jenkins has a leg up on any competition because he can always be present for his chapter. Since the chapter was installed, membership has soared, and Jenkins is proud of the fact that the chapter celebrates and embraces diversity.

In addition to the rise in membership over the years, Jenkins has helped his chapter members become avid members in the community. When the chapter first tried to become involved in service projects, their efforts fell just short.

With the help and encouragement of Jenkins, though, brothers soon found something they could become passionate about: adopting a section of highway close to campus.

“They have been cleaning this section of road once a semester, and they even get very visible recognition, not only from a clean roadway, but also a sign on the highway, ” said Jenkins. “It took them a while, but they have finally found their niche in community service and philanthropy.”

In the coming school years, Jenkins hopes to see his chapter grow even more and continue to lead by example across campus. 

To Jenkins, the Seven Core Values that Lambda Chi Alpha teaches has become the roadmap for his chapter, and he can’t wait to see how his members continue to uphold the proud tradition of Lambda Chi on campus.

“I’m really proud that the fraternity brothers are proud of the fact that we are the different fraternity on campus,” said Jenkins. “We are much more focused on brotherhood.”