
CORE Report How-To


CORE Report How-To

During the 2016-2017 school year, Lambda Chi Alpha  introduced a new way for chapters to perform at their very best: CORE Report.  Standing for “Chapter/Colony Operation Reflection & Elevation”, this report is meant to put chapter operation evaluation in the hands of the undergraduates.  The self-reporting style will give each chapter a chance to honestly assess their chapter operations.

Though the report is meant to help chapters, it is a program that will require time and effort from all members.  The report should be completed by April 15 each year in order to ensure enough time to furnish an in-depth report.  All resources and the report itself can be found on LCAOne under the “CORE Report” tab.

Because CORE Report is fairly new, ELCs have been tasked with completing “CORE Report visits”.  During these visits, ELCs will only spend 48 hours with a chapter, in contrast with the traditional ELC visits.  During this time, two topics will be addressed: 1.) assessment of the 11 operating standards  and 2.)  teaching members about CORE Report and how to get started.

From there, officers will be trained in committee-style meetings on the eight sections of the report and how to best complete them.  In essence, these visits will allow ELCs to better target the needs of each chapter and fully utilize their time.

What chapters will not see with CORE Report visits is the assessment of chapters based on the typical “operations rating” (i.e. “below basic”, “beyond exceptional”, etc.). This change will ultimately free up more time for learning how to best complete the report.

After the report is submitted, a team of nine individuals will go over each submission in the month of May.  During the months of June and July, each chapter will then receive personalized feedback.

For more information on CORE Report and how to get started, please visit LCAOne.  Any additional questions can be directed to Josh Womack, Associate Director of Chapter Services at jwomack@lambdachi.org.

We are very excited about CORE Report and hope that each chapter reaps the benefits of this new, exciting interface!