
Lambda Chi Alpha’s New Position Provides Recruitment Support for Chapters


Lambda Chi Alpha’s New Position Provides Recruitment Support for Chapters

As we previously explored in “The Ins and Outs of an Expansion”, the amount of work and effort dedicated to expanding our Fraternity can be daunting.  Members of newly-formed colonies might feel lost as they begin their journey as a Lambda Chi brother.

Chris Pockette

This is where Lambda Chi Alpha is  excited to introduce the recruitment specialist. Headquarters is  pleased to have three current staff members (Dylan Bateman, Nick Catalano, and Chris Pockette) and one new hire (Brett Turner) joining the expansion team in this role.

Each specialist will focus on three key areas:

  1. Expansion- The specialists, or growth team, will be responsible for establishing new colonies and acting as “project managers” for  expansions.
  2. Colony Support- Specialists will be assigned a number of colonies to visit and work with in a different way than established chapters.
  3. Recruitment Support- While the recruitment specialists will spend a majority of their time on expansion efforts, they will also be available for the entire membership to aid in any way with recruitment issues.

Like with any new position, a period of learning and growth is expected, but each specialist is looking forward to the opportunity to help the Fraternity in any way possible.

Dylan Bateman

“I think the chapters we are working with have the potential to grow in numbers, but also operations and things like that,” said Bateman. “Chapters that are really struggling with campus involvement can recruit individuals who are really involved, and we can help them do that; so that is something that we can do in a few weeks’ time and really drastically change the culture of a chapter…”

In addition to their times with the colonies and chapters visited, the recruitment specialists will work to foster a culture of excellence throughout the fraternity.

Brett Turner

“I’m just excited to make Lambda Chi better and make fraternities better,” said Turner. “One reason I joined Lambda Chi back in the day was to get a chance to break the negative stereotype fraternities have, so I think that with this job, we all get to continue to do that with the new chapters we get to start.”

The growth team as a whole is available for all chapters and colonies looking to improve their recruitment practices, or to just gain an extra layer of support from headquarters.

Chris Buck, Associate Director of Expansion, says he looks forward to seeing how the recruitment specialists not only connect with members, but create a passionate membership on new campuses.

Nick Catalano

“There really is no downside to us visiting your chapter or colony to help,” said Catalano. “We are only here to help you, we just want to see you succeed, and I think we are the embodiment of that.”

“I’m really hoping we are able to set the tone for this position and develop a process, that way moving forward, it can continue to get that much better and that much more efficient, ” said Pockette.

Buck encourages all chapters looking for support to take advantage of the new services offered and to maintain an open mind.

“I’m in the mindset that recruitment is really the life-changing business,” stated Buck. “It’s providing an opportunity to join something that will most likely change your life.”

For any questions or for more information, please email growth@lambdachi.org.