
Let College Humor and a bear teach you about sexual assault in this new PSA

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons



Let College Humor and a bear teach you about sexual assault in this new PSA

Last fall Lambda Chi Alpha came out nationally in support of the It’s On Us campaign, which seeks to end sexual assault on college campuses. The campaign has recently released a video on the subject that puts the issue in a more dire situation while highlighting the very real and unfortunate statistics.

It’s part of the ad­min­is­tra­tion’s “It’s On Us” ini­ti­at­ive, a cam­paign to spread aware­ness of the prob­lem of sexu­al as­sault and en­cour­age people to take ac­tion to pre­vent it, and it kicks off a “week of ac­tion” start­ing Sunday on col­lege cam­puses around the coun­try. (Vice Pres­id­ent Joe Biden will travel to three of the cam­puses next week.)

If it were bears, said Col­lege­Hu­mor’s Spen­cer Griffin on a White House press call Thursday, “it would seem like a group of guys would do something about that.” The threat of sexu­al as­sault is sim­il­arly “ter­ri­fy­ing.” (Via Government Executive)

Address the bear in the room, talk to your friends and brothers about what you can do to prevent sexual assault on your campus.

(Source: College Humor)


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