
Remembering Those We Lost on September 11, 2001


Remembering Those We Lost on September 11, 2001

Editor’s note: This story originally appeared in the July 2008 issue of Cross & Crescent.

On Sept. 11, 2001, 2,977 people lost their lives in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. Nine of them were brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha.

September 11, 2001, claimed the lives of at least nine brothers of our bond, and we all knew them. They were the buddies who loved to play sports; the friends who stayed up all night to talk; the brothers who could make anyone smile in an instant. While our fallen brothers passed through only a few chapters in reality, they touched every one —- and our hearts ache with the senselessness that took their lives. On the afternoon of September 11, 2001, emails and phone calls started to pour into the International Headquarters, and didn’t stop for weeks afterward —- expressing love, sympathy, and concern. We hoped for the best and kept faith that our missing brothers would soon be found, but Lambda Chi Alpha couldn’t escape the devastation. Despite our prayers, news of brothers who died that day came anyway. Let us always remember that although life has deserted their physical bodies, their spirits live eternally and will dwell in the hearts of those who loved them —- and from our bond, our brothers will forever be in our hearts.911LCA

  • Donald A. Delapenha (Baldwin- Wallace 1985)
  • Chris Dincuff (Villanova 1992)
  • Michael Gould (Villanova 1994)
  • Robert Higley (Connecticut 1994)
  • Todd Hill (Massachusetts 1989)
  • Justin J. Molisani Jr. (Lycoming 1981)
  • Jarrold Paskins (Nebraska-Omaha 1970)
  • Christopher Vialonga (Susquehanna 1993)

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