
Stead Leadership Seminar, East: Day One Recap


Stead Leadership Seminar, East: Day One Recap

2017 Stead Leadership Seminar - East

Leadership continued from the first Stead Leadership Seminar, finding its way to the University of Maryland-College Park. Stead East officially started Thursday, August 3, offering a new group of brothers fresh perspective.

After registration concluded, members were officially welcomed to College Park and challenged to take their involvement to a new level during the weekend.

“…This weekend, and indeed for the rest of your time in chapter and for the rest of your lives, a rampant attitude will take you farther than you’ve ever dreamed,” stated David Huffine, Grand High Phi. “You see, in Lambda Chi Alpha, attitude is altitude.”

With their charge in hand, conference attendees were asked to expand their minds in workshops throughout the rest of the day.

The most important program of the day came during the evening.  Members learned what it truly meant to understand diversity and inclusion within their chapters and on their campuses. Though both topics could be seen as lofty, presenter Suzette Walden Cole brought the topics to a chapter-specific level by having an honest and open conversation with members.

Day one of action concluded with time for brotherhood in the form of a game night.

Stead East will continue on Friday, August 4 with a day of service and reflection.

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