
Lambda Chi Alpha’s New Program Recognized by Industry Peers

Leadership Skills Certification Academy (LSCA) Earns the Fraternal Foundation for Excellence’s 2022 Award of Distinction for Best Use of a Foundation Grant  Indianapolis, Indiana – Lambda Chi Alpha’s new officer training program, Leadership Skills Certification Academy (LSCA), received the Award of Distinction for Best Use of a Foundation Grant during the 2022 Foundation for Fraternal […]

From a Mother Not a Brother: A Female’s Perspective on Fraternity

“If you were to ask me a few years ago if I would ever support Fraternities, let alone work for one, I would have laughed. Now ask me today and I will say, “absolutely, and let me tell you why.” _______ Like many of my friends growing up, my only context of Greek life was […]

Service Spotlight: Kyle Lovelock

The phone buzzed with a text. As Kyle Lovelock (Huntingdon College, ‘22) groggily lifted it to his face, what he would find on the other end of that screen would change the course of his life forever. The text from his brother, Donovan, a guiding force in Lovelock’s life since the death of his uncle […]

Service Spotlight: Luke Higgins

Before Luke Higgins knew strength through service in the Brotherhood of Lambda Chi Alpha, he was forging his own path. Over the course of his childhood and into his collegiate career, Higgins has logged over 2000 hours of community service. Most of these hours come from the South Dakota National Guard Youth Program, a program […]

Lambda Chi Alpha Chapter Featured on Netflix’s “Queer Eye”

According to Parrot Analytics, audience demand for the Netflix favorite Queer Eye is almost five times the demand of the average television series in the United States. Through five different areas of self-improvement, the “Fab Five” have taken the country by storm in heartfelt stories centered around self-acceptance and love.  As the seventh season, set […]

A Lifetime of Service: Doug Schmidt Spotlight

The same year Bobby Fischer became a Chess Grand Master and President Eisenhower created NASA, Doug Schmidt (University of California-Santa Barbara, ’60) transferred to the Santa Barbara College of the University of California (UCSB), as it was known then. By 1958, Doug swore off Greek Life, having joined a local fraternity at Berkeley where he […]

Alumni Spotlight: Life as a Servant Leader

Ambitious, hardworking, and passionate, Lambda Chi Alpha alumnus Marc Nichols (Wabash College, ’92) maintains an impressive legal resume. He’s served as the U.S. and Canadian general counsel at the Sweden-based aerospace and defense company, Saab, and a senior attorney for Rolls-Royce. As of January 2022, Nichols added one more prestigious title to his resume: chief […]

Undergrad Spotlight: What Makes a Leader?

Throughout history, countless individuals have tried to put their own spin on what it means to be an effective leader. But in the end, one can find an understanding of their ability to lead by answering two simple questions: is there an effective following behind me that has earned my trust, or am I simply […]

Brother Spotlight: John Bloom

This past June, Brother John Bloom (Miami University- Ohio, ’67) was honored for his service to his chapter as editor of the newsletter, producing over 250 editions.  In his early life, Bloom had a strong appreciation for English literature as his mother and high school English teacher both played a vital role in his writing. […]

“Flo’s Kitchen”: A Mother’s Day Tribute

Inspiring. Nurturing. A guiding force. Our mother figures are some of the most influential forces in our lives from an early age. They aid in our development, help us learn right from wrong and provide unconditional love. So, when members of Lambda Chi embark on their next phase of life in the university space, a […]