
Thought Leadership: Grow in Every Positive Way

Written by CEO Troy Medley As Members of Lambda Chi Alpha, we are charged with living lives that are pure, high, and ever-growing. Growth is important in life, business, and for a social organization like ours, because it effectively measures how well we understand and respond to the external environment, make sound long-term decisions, and […]

Growing the Global Zeta

By Jeff Stuerman, 25th Grand High Alpha. Originally published in the Summer 2023 issue of the Cross & Crescent One of my favorite questions to ask groups of our fellow Brothers is, “So, what is your favorite part of Lambda Chi Alpha’s Coat of Arms? The Helmet? The Swords? The Lion with a Rose? Our […]

Global Zeta Connection: Michael Galanos

Forward by Jessie Ashton, Director of Chapter Support & Wellness; Article written by Michael Galanos Since I started at Lambda Chi Alpha, I’ve been proud to discuss the Global Zeta. From Zooming with Brothers in New Zealand in preparation for General Assembly to Members I’ve met from all of our continents to watching Brothers travel […]

Lambda Chi Alpha Partners with Valamis to Provide a State-of-the-Art Educational Experience

Boston, USA, 11 July 2023. Valamis, the global leader in digital learning technologies and workforce development, is embarking on a new partnership with Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, one of the largest men’s general fraternities in North America with more than 300,000 initiated members at more than 300 universities, to revolutionize their learning network with the Valamis Complete […]

Service Spotlight: Boston x Plus One Foundation

Once the last final is turned and the academic year is completed students start dispersing to the various places they call home, every thought of school rapidly leaves the brain. Students, including Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha, are now focused on summer jobs, internships, and catching up with friends and family.  With summer recess, the Brothers at […]

Episode 60: How are You being a Good Brother?

Lambda Chi Alpha is more than just a name: It’s a home, a place of belonging, and a badge of honor. But it’s important to acknowledge where we have come from and take inventory on how we can continue to respect all our Brothers.  Disclaimer: The views expressed in our ChopTalk podcasts are those of […]

Lambda Chi Alpha Wisconsin-Whitewater Chapter Raises Over $1000 for Movember

Lambda Chi Alpha is built upon many ideals that make the organization a unique place in which to grow and develop. One of the cornerstones of the Fraternity is that of service. Whether in the form of a fundraiser or donating bone marrow to a fellow human, Lambda Chi Alpha members have been serving in […]

Trust & Will: 10 Steps on How to Practice Financial Wellness

Written by Trust & Will We want to help you accomplish your Financial New Year’s Resolution, which is why we’ve partnered with Trust & Will, the leading online estate planning platform in the U.S. to provide our members with an easy and affordable way to create your estate plan online from the comfort of your home.  […]

C&C Summer 2022

Introducing the summer edition of the Cross & Crescent! This issue is centered around one of the cornerstones of our organization- Leadership. Within this issue, we celebrate the leaders of our organization and the different ways we are leading the charge in the higher education space and beyond. We always encourage our Brothers to submit […]

C&C Winter 2023

Introducing the winter edition of the Cross & Crescent! This issue is centered around one of the cornerstones of our organization- Service. Within this issue, we celebrate the leaders in philanthropy in our organization, as well celebrating service to our organization through the annual Founders’ Day Challenge. We always encourage our Brothers to submit any […]